
Everyone is welcome to on Sundays, whatever your beliefs or background. If you have never been to a church like ours before, you are welcome to just sit back and watch on if you prefer. We recognise that it might be a step into the unknown, but we hope that you see how the gospel is shaping our lives as individuals and as a church as you watch and listen.

The format of our worship is simple:

We begin with someone reading the bible from the front, focussing our minds on God and reminding us of how good it is to come and worship him.

We then sing worship to God, using songs that are based on the bible. The words are projected on to a screen, so you can follow along and learn them if they are new to you.

Each week someone leads in prayer from the front, praying for people who are part of our church, praying for the wellbeing of our city, the spread of the gospel around the world, and many other things that we care about.

The main teaching time in the church is the preaching on Sunday morning. This usually is done by taking one of the books of the bible a small piece at a time each week, showing how that piece makes clear the gospel of Jesus, and what that means for our lives.

We often finish our worship service by taking communion together, which is a spiritually powerful reminder of how Jesus died to save us.

We have tea, coffee and sometimes even cake together after our worship service. Most people stay around for a while, and it is a great chance to get to know one another a bit more and encourage each other in our spiritual lives.

As a visitor, there is never any pressure to participate in any way or give money. We are just glad that you can join us.


If you have children, don’t worry about having to keep them quiet - our children make noise too. During the bible teaching time the younger children can go out to the room next door for Sunday club - bible teaching and games at an age appropriate level. Children are welcome to stay in the main gathering with their parents if they prefer.

All of our volunteers are Garda vetted and keep to our child protection policy.

If you have any additional needs feel free to contact us at in advance of your visit, and we will provide any assistance we can to help you get the most out of your experience with our church. The community centre that we meet in is fully accesible, with accessible toilers, and is wheelchair and pram friendly.